Friday, March 12, 2010

Joel Robuchon: L'Oeuf and Roasted Chicken

Today was Robuchon day! I posted a while back when I went to his restaurant, but I didn't have either of the dishes we made today.

L'oeuf, which means "the egg," is a pretty complicated dish at Robuchon. We wouldn't have had time to make it so we made a super simplified version. I took on making the mushroom sauce; Justin poached the egg. We served the egg with the sauce over a parsley puree, and garnished with mushrooms and shallots. Chef said it was perfect.

Our chicken was perfect too! We had whole organic chickens, which we salted, slathered in butter, and seared thigh-side down. We turned the chicken while roasting four times, to get the nice sear on all of the skin. It's amazing what organic chicken tastes like. I wish it wasn't so much more expensive. It actually tastes like chicken!

I will be doing the slathering in butter thing at home. Oh, and I aced my quiz in the cooking class, and I feel really good about my Wine & Beverage quiz, which was on wine. That's a really good thing because I knew virtually nothing about wine going into the class, so I've learned quite a bit in just a couple of weeks.

Happy Friday!

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